Needs Lots of Work
Regarding music: A simple NES sounding chip-tune would work for this. It's not a quick action game, so stay away from upbeat, songs with fast tempos.
If that's not your taste, then since the main character has on shades, and has that sort of cool, suave feel about him, consider using a smooth, hip-hop or jazzy beat. Nothing too fancy, though; you don't want the music sounding more complex than a simple game. (-:
Hope that helps.
Regarding other aspects:
- Adding sound effects goes withour saying. (-:
- Fix up the transitions from one screen to the next. Maybe do a simple fade in and fade out. Especially when I advance to the next level. The main character "jumps" around a bit and starts off in mid-air.
- When the game is over, consider allowing the player to continue from the last level they were on instead of starting from the beginning. Maybe give them limited continues. Or, at least, when they complete different-colored levels, allow them to restart on the first area of the most recent colored level.
- When you attack, the "attack image" instantly disappears as soon as you let go of the button. Allow it to continue, so players can simply tap the button, unless this is by design.
- The player cannot attack while moving left or right, unless this is by design. Furthermore, there is no left facing idle pose, only a right one. In other words, if I am moving left and then stop, he faces right again.
- The HUD moves around when the screen scrolls, and the boss's health scrolls off the screen.
- Include some kind of special effect when you kill things.
- The enemies on the different-colored levels all basically do the same thing. Consider changing their behaviors so they do different things to make it more challenging.
Would like to see this developed much more. I like old platform scrollers. (-:
-Ziro out.