Cool Game
I had fun playing this old-school game. (:
- The graphics overall looked pretty good.
- I thought the explosions should have been a more ominous.
- Nice, solid controls. It's great that you provided both mouse and keyboard. However, for me, it was keyboard for the win! >-)
- I think this area of the game needed the most improvement. There are enough sound effects, and the player shooting and explosion sound gets a bit monotonous. Also, sometimes, I notice that the player shooting sound tens to "double up" if that makes any sense. After a short while, it returns to normal. Not sure if that's intentional or not.
- While I though the music loops sounded awesome, I thought they were a bit short, even for loops. Nonetheless, I really liked the boss song. (I had to look up bebeto, and find that track [loop018.wav, lol]).
Polish / Other:
- Needs more sounds. Things like:
-- collecting power-ups (different power-ups would have different sounds)
-- perhaps changing the player shooting sound as your weapon gets stronger
-- taking damage
-- bad guy deaths - try not to give just one explosion sound to each bad guy
-- boss death should be much more engaging
-- damage effect when you damage bad guys
Just a few ideas.
- I REALLY like how, not only can you remap the controls, but you can also assign more than one key for most actions.
- Would have like to see a better weapon system. Strengthening the existing weapon system is good, but I'd like more types of weapons, and maybe some super weapon you can charge up or something, and maybe a special shield that can reflect projectiles back.
- I like how you can adjust the volume of the music and sound individually.
- I might suggest removing the countdown timer for resuming play for "advanced" players. Maybe have that as an option, too, but perhaps enable it by default.
- Stages were a bit short, and I would have liked to see a few more bad guy types. (:
You and your team did a good job here, soldier.
* salutes *
(That boss music gonna be in my head all night. Dangit!! lol)
- Ziro out.