- As I'm playing, when I try to move, or when my missile hits something, I get this run-time error message:
RangeError: Error #1125: The index 0 is out of range 0.
at Main/frameLoop()
- Your hit test boxes are too big. If you're using the graphic objects themselves to do your collision checks (or even if you aren't), I'd highly recommend making your own boxes, and reducing their size smaller than the actual graphics that they represent, so hit detection seems more fair.
- When you die, don't just suddenly restart the player. Consider doing these two things:
1). Add a short delay of a second or two before respawning the player.
2). Give the player a grace time of 2 or 3 seconds (or so), such that the player doesn't immediately get killed again, if an alien is right at the respawn point.
- When the game is over, don't just suddenly end it. Consider polishing up the game over sequence. Also, negative scores on game over never look good.
- Add an explosion graphic when the player gets hit, and when the player blows up aliens.
- Seems I can't move up or down and shoot simultaneously. Try experimenting with an array of keys so you can record the status of more than one key at once.
- Perhaps some extra enemy types and weapons for a future game or future updates? (:
- The short music loop got annoying. I would have liked to mute it and just keep the sound effects.
Just some things to work out and help polish up your game. Good skill. (:
- Ziro out.